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Animations-Animations Tab

Animations/ Animation Tab in PowerPoint.

What is Animations.

Animation in PowerPoint:

            If you want to show any object moving (text, shapes, images) over slides in a PowerPoint presentation, you will need to put animations on it.

            The presence of animation in your presentation causes the audience to get the most attention and makes your presentation stand out and professional. PowerPoint has built-in animation effects that we can apply to custom objects. We'll find these effects in the Animations tab.

Animation Tab

         Animations can be applied to text, images, shapes and any object, not the slides.

:How to apply animations

➤ Select the object on the slide {Text, Shape, Image}.

➤ Click the Animations tab.

➤ In the animation group, click on the effect you want to             apply.

➤ The object will start to animate.

How to manage the time and speed of any Animations?


         With the Timing option in the Animation tab, we can adjust our animations. If you want to play the animation with / without the mouse click or slow down / increase the animations speed, you will use the Timing option in the Animations tab.


          On Click = To animate the object or text at the click of a mouse.
         By selecting it, the object will not animate until you left-click the mouse.

          With Previous = To automatically animate the object or text after a certain time.

         By selecting it, the object / text will automatically animate after a certain time that you set. If you have previously applied the On Click animation, after clicking, it will run after the specified time that you have set.

          After Previous = To animate the object or text after the first animations have been completed.

         By selecting it, objects / text will animate when the previous animation is completed. Use the "After previous" option if you want all of the animations on a slide to be played sequentially.


           Delay means late. Duration sets the time after which we want to animate the object. 
          For example, if we want the object to animate or appear a delay of 3 seconds after the slide arrives, change it to 3 in duration. Likewise, write down as much time as you want.

Animation Manage\ Timing


         Duration means the period in which the object is to be animated. Duration allows us to slow down and accelerate animations.

         As time increases, the object will be animated slowly and by reducing time the object will animate faster.
        Increase the time in "Duration" to show the object animated more slowly. And reduce the time to show the animation faster.

        Increase the time in "Duration" as slowly as the object should be animated, and reduce the time in "Duration" as fast as it is animated.

Slide Views in PowerPoint

Slides Layouts in PowerPoint

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Animations-Animations Tab Animations-Animations Tab Reviewed by Mubeen on November 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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